Attendance Expectations

Recurring chapel exemptions apply to regular class days and not to Bible Conference.

Day students are to attend all Bible Conference services with the following exceptions:

  • Students who live at least 30 miles from campus are not required to attend the evening Bible Conference services. Please check the mileage before requesting this exemption.
    • If you live 30 miles away and normally have no classes on a given day, you may miss the daytime and evening services on that day,
  • You may maintain your regular work schedule. If your work schedule can be adjusted to allow you to attend Bible Conference services, you should take the initiative to change your schedule.
    • You may not add extra work hours that conflict with Bible Conference services.
    • If you are coming from work and need to arrive a few minutes late or leave a service a few minutes early in order to get to work, you should sit in Levinson Hall for that service rather than miss the entire service. (For example, someone going to work at 2:30 p.m. or later is expected to attend as much of the 1:30 service as possible.)
    • If you work on campus, your work manager will submit an exemption for you.
  • You may continue a regular outreach ministry where your presence is required to maintain the ministry. For example, a regular Bible club or nursing home ministry may continue during the week of Bible Conference. However, a ministry such as street witnessing should be suspended or adjusted in order not to conflict with a Bible Conference service. Those ministries that continue are asked to operate with a minimal crew during the week of Bible Conference.

Students who have no campus responsibilities are asked to attend any services that meets during a time that you would typically attend class.

3 thoughts on “Attendance Expectations

  1. Andrea Villaverde

    I work every Tuesday night at a regene ministry that my parents attend. I work at Grace on pehlem from 6-8:45

  2. Olivia Cairns

    I work at Madison and Co. Feb 15th from 10:00-5:30 and
    12:00-5:30 at Madison and Co. The 17th
    It’s inventory week so my hours are a bit different then usual. I’ll be at any session before or after my shifts as well as all sessions the 16th and 18th
    Regards, Olivia Cairns


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